We traveled to Wapello ,IA to attend the BTR hosted by the Heartland Chapter of the VDD-GNA. Many thanks to good friends Bobbi and Jeff for opening your house to all of us today. We had a great test with 8 dogs in attendance. The Bringtreueprüfung or BTR for short is designed to test the
Retrieving Reliability of our versatile dogs. The dog proves this by finding, picking up and delivering to the handler any cold, dead game which was found accidentally and without any influence by the handler. For this test we use cold Fox that are placed in the timber at least 2 hours ahead of time. The dog is released from the edge of the timber with a command to search. From there the dog has 20 min to search the timber, locate the fox and return with it to the handler at the edge of the timber. The handler is allowed to give one command to the dog ( can not be a retrieve command i.e. fetch or apport) once the dog is in the timber the handler is not allowed to influence the dog in any way. Greta v.d. Salzmarsch ( Gunner) was in top form today and knocked this out of the park with a search and retrieve taking a mere 2 min 27 seconds. All this on 3 legs and 25 days pregnant. This girl amazes me every time I turn around, I have yet to find anything she is not willing to do to please me. Now Gunner gets to relax in the house as we await her last litter of pups to arrive.The day ended with what is fast becoming a tradition at Henke sponsored events 'The SHOTSKI' was brought out for the handlers to enjoy.